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Seascape Association

Administration Committee Responsibilities

Written - 1/7/2019

Administration Committee Responsibilities

The By-Laws of Seascape Association, Article X, Sec. 3B-6, provide that there shall be an Administration Committee as a standing committee.  It is “responsible for periodic review of the By-Laws and Rules and for making recommendations to the Board and members.”


  1. Maintain the current By-Laws of the Association.

  2. Monitor meetings of the members and of the Board to bring attention to any actions which may conflict with the By-Laws.

  3. Answer questions which may arise at any meeting regarding the By-Laws and their applicability to proposed action.

  4. Review the By-Laws at least once annually to determine if any changes may be appropriate.

  5. Consider and make recommendations on changes proposed to the By-Laws by any member of the Association or Board.

  6. Review the various Rules of the Association at least once annually to determine if any changes may be appropriate.

  7. Consider and make recommendations on changes proposed by any committee, or member of the Association Board to any of the Rules of the Association.


  1. Perform each of its responsibilities as set forth above.

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