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Seascape Association

Tennis Chairperson’s Responsibilities

Written - 1/10/2019

Tennis Chairperson’s Responsibilities


 In accordance with the Seascape Association By-Laws:


Section 1. There shall be such committees as the Board believes to be necessary to conduct the business and to accomplish the purposes of the Association.  Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President




  1. Monitor the condition of the courts and arrange for repairs as needed.

  2. Remove and store the nets in the late fall.

  3. Install the nets in the spring

  4. Manage the Tennis Court’s finances

    1. Set rules for membership

    2. Set annual and life time membership fees

    3. Set the Tennis annual spend with the Treasurer

  5. Update the rules for use of the tennis courts as necessary.

  6. Monitor the use of the courts and ensure compliance with the rules.

  7. Maintain the security of the courts (Locks on the gates)

  8. Provide input for the President's annual letter.

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