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Member News

This section contains Seascape Member news:

Members wishing to post ads, announcements or news items should submit the information to the Web Master by using the form in the Contact page 

Name: Benjamin Battat


Subject: Rental

Message: I would like to post the following message: My family is interested in renting for 1 week in Seascape or Nyes Neck the week of July 25, 2020. They need a 3 to 4 bedrooms home. If you are interested in renting your home or know of someone who is interested in doing so, please contact me at Ben Battat 617-510-6782 or email me at Thanks and have a good winter everyone. Ben Battat


Jan 26, 2020


Dear SeaScape Association,


We are your neighbors at 185 waterside drive looking for a second home to rent for July/August in our community. We are also open to Nyes Neck and New Silver if you happen to know of open rentals there. If anyone is renting out this summer please email us 


Thank you in advance.



Anya and  Greg 

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