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Seascape Association

Hospitality Chairperson Responsibilities

Written - 1/10/2019

Hospitality Chairperson Responsibilities


 In accordance with the Seascape Association By-Laws:


Section 1. There shall be such committees as the Board believes to be necessary to conduct the business and to accomplish the purposes of the Association.  Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President



  1. Obtain new owner information from Treasurer

  2. Obtain Association By-laws and rules from Secretary

  3. Obtain Association member lists for communication



  1. Welcome new neighbors into our Association

    1. Obtain new owner information

    2. Purchase “Welcome Gift Basket” (about $50.00)

    3. Prepare packet if Association Information including By-Laws, Rules and Association dues

    4. Prepare information on Association web site

    5. Prepare Association Membership lists

    6. Schedule welcome visit with new member

    7. Collect new member information for Association lists

    8. Collect Association annual dues / Or suggest mail in

  2. Plan our Annual Cocktail Party

    1. Select a date

    2. Get budget approval

    3. Set attendance and drinking rules

    4. Select a location; B beach, member back yard, Fiddler’s Cove

    5. Send out Association communication

    6. Form a “party committee”

    7. Set menu and purchase products

    8. Hire a tent if applicable

    9. Set up and run event

    10. Cleanup 

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