Tim Gallagher
Art Schick
Marianne Beardsley
Ellen Clark
Jeanne Kelly
Michelle Sax
John Beigel
Russ Hazelton
John Honey
Charlie Loguidice
Brian Murphy
Meeting Notes
Tim Gallagher recognized a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.
Tim reviewed and verified the results of the mail-in voting for the four issues for the 2020 annual Seascape Association membership meeting.
There were 61 member votes submitted which surpassed the quorum of 35.
All four votes passed:
2019 Minutes: 59 approve, 0 disapprove, 1 abstain, 1 blank
Board nominations: 60 approve, 0 disapprove, 1 abstain, 0 other
2020 Budget: 60 approve, 0 disapprove, 1 abstain, 0 other
Raise 2021 dues: 53 approve, 3 disapprove, 5 abstain, 0 other
We had almost twice the number of members vote this year with mail-in voting. Usually for the annual membership meeting held in June we get approximately 35 members who vote on questions. The board kept the voting open until July 8.
We will send an email to the membership with the results of the vote.
Election of New Officers and Directors
Tim recognized and welcomed the newly elected members of the board and thanked the outgoing board members for their years of continued service.
President: Tim Gallagher (returning)
1st Vice President: Art Schick (new)
2nd Vice President: Peter Howard (returning)
Treasurer: Marianne Beardsley (new)
Secretary: Ellen Clark (returning)
Board of Directors Class of 2023 for three years:
Warren Fish (new)
Brian Murphy (new)
John Honey 2021 (continuing)
Michele Sax 2021 (continuing)
John Beigel 2022(continuing)
Russ Hazelton 2022 (continuing)
Marianne Beardsley reviewed the 2020 budget. The proposed operating budget is starting off with a loss of $34,000 due to the carryover of the 2019 roadwork budget of $50,000. The loss will be recovered from the 2019 road fund savings.
To date we have received 91 members’ dues and we hope to reach last year’s total of 114 paid members. We will send a reminder letter to those who have not paid in the next few weeks.
There are a few remaining expected expenses for this year such as landscaping, security, dock, the B beach sign, and beach monitors.
Raising the dues in 2021 will help to keep up with increasing expenses. As previously noted, we have come close to spending all our reserves the past year and again this year. It was noted that increased communication and responsiveness by the board to the issues and concerns has positively contributed to the willingness of the residents to pay their association dues in support of the community.
Tom Griffin our security person has been doing an excellent job. The nighttime activity of youth on the beaches and roaming the roads seems to be much less than it was in June. As a result, the board decided not to add any additional nights for security at this time. Presently Tom is working for us three nights per week, Friday and Saturday, plus one random night, which has proven to be effective in deterring and minimizing the activity for now. The board all expressed appreciation for having Tom doing our security work again this summer.
The issue of a police detail was raised and the board decided for now not to support a nighttime police detail on our beaches.
Tim informed the board that one of our association members has volunteered to set up a Seascape page on Facebook to help develop community spirit. Tim asked the board their opinion on this offer. The board expressed appreciation of the offer as well as various views and questions. At this time the board needs more information before a decision is made. Tim said he would follow up on this matter.
In consideration of the on-going social distancing issues related to the pandemic, the hospitality committee is in the process of considering a social distancing cocktail stroll within an area in Seascape for a date to be determined in August. The hospitality committee will keep the membership posted regarding the planning of this summer’s get together.
New/Other Business
Board members expressed concern about a few residents not abiding by the town ordinance, which states there are NO dogs allowed on the beaches. We have signs at both beaches. All residents are reminded that no dogs on the beaches is a Town of Falmouth health ordinance for all beaches.
Parking on the Street
Board members expressed concern regarding the safety issue of residents and guests parking on the street on a curve. Residents are reminded to NOT park on the street on a CURVE which is a Massachusetts State driving law.
Seascape Entrance
The board approved the expenditure of $100-$200 for purchasing a few drought tolerant plants for the entrance.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.