Rental Rules
Approved 8/4/2007
To all home owners in Seascape:
The Rental Committee intends to strictly monitor and enforce the rental property rules and regulations established by the Town of Falmouth.
If a house has been rented and has not been maintained to the standards of our neighborhood, then the property owner shall be notified by phone or mail, with no malice in mind, but only to correct the situation. Our only intention is to keep Seascape a well- maintained community.
The Seascape Association would appreciate it if you would follow these simple rules:
Notify the Association on a voluntary basis if you intend to rent, and in case of an emergency.
The Town of Falmouth rental law requires posting a permit from the Board of Health; this states 2 persons per bedroom, and no double family rentals.
The Town of Falmouth anti-noise law is in effect 24 hours a day.
The leash law requires that dogs be tied or leashed, and refrained from constant barking.
Please post the Association "Beach Rules", “Tennis Rules”, “Boat and Dock Rules” and “Cart Rules”.
Respect your neighbors' privacy.
Follow all rules pertaining to security and speed limit: 15 miles per hour.
Keep a constant watch for children riding bikes, etc.; remember to "SLOW DOWN". The speed limit is 15 mph.
Litter: Please use covered barrels – not to be put out before 7 a.m. on Friday, collection day; otherwise the trash is “trashed” by the local raccoons, etc. and it is the renter’s responsibility to clean up the scattered debris. Recycling is scheduled for every other week. Home owners are responsible for disposing of excess trash.